As part of the changes shared on the Google Developers Blog today, the Google Maps APIs are transitioning to a 1 year deprecation policy, which has been revised to be clearer and shorter. Any Maps API that is deprecated between April 20th 2012 and April 20th 2014 will be subject to a deprecation period that extends until April 20th 2015. Any Maps API that is deprecated after April 20th 2014 will be subject to a deprecation period that extends for 1 year from the date of deprecation.

While updating the Google Maps/Google Earth API Terms of Service to reflect this change we are taking the opportunity to also make a small number of additional updates. We are clarifying some points based on feedback from developers and also strengthening our privacy requirements. The key changes are:

  • There are certain Maps API Services, such as Places and Street View, which you are permitted to use without a Google Map. This update clarifies that if you do choose to use a map with these services it must be a Google Map.

  • This update clarifies that business, residential address, or telephone directory listings services may continue to use the Maps API, but may not use business listings content provided by the Maps API or the Places API.

  • This update clarifies that you are not permitted to use or provide any content provided by the Maps API in an API that you offer to others, even if your implementation provides substantial additional features or content.

  • This update adds additional terms to protect the privacy of geolocation data and requires that you obtain the consent of your users to geolocate their position and notify them of how that information will be used.

If you have any questions or concerns about these changes please consult the Maps API forums.